The value of seeking Chiropractor Care after a personal injury
Auto accidents are incredibly common and highly stressful events. Injured drivers and passengers are presented with many challenges. From filing a claim, considering legal representation, fixing or purchasing a new vehicle, auto accidents can lead to serious financial consequences.
Whether a minor fender bender or a more serious accident, you may experience injuries that will impact your health and your future. When you are in a traumatic situation, changes in your body may cause you to not be aware of some or all of the injuries you have sustained in the accident.
If you’ve been in a auto accident, you should never hesitate to see a doctor or a chiropractor. Chiropractors can help diagnose your injuries and are experts in the treatment of conditions like whiplash. They may also be able to assist with your injury claim by thoroughly documenting your injuries for the insurance company or your legal team.
If you end up filing an insurance claim to receive monetary compensation for your injuries and losses, getting diagnosed by a chiropractor and receiving chiropractic treatment for your accident injuries can be pivotal in receiving a settlement. Documentation of your injuries, the source of those injuries and the cost of corrective therapies will be vital in determining an accurate claim valuation.
Accidents are shockingly common in Arizona
According to ADOT historical trends, 2021 saw a total of 121,345 crashes in Arizona. This total includes 2,594 motorcycle crashes, 1,027 bicycle crashes, and 1,714 pedestrian crashes. Reportedly, 2021 motor vehicle crashes left 51,633 people injured.
Of the 121,345 collisions in 2021, 10,872 of those accidents occurred in Pima County, more crashes happened in October than any other month of the year, Fridays saw more crashes than any other day of the week.
Crashes occur on all kinds of roadways, from heavily traveled freeways to back-country switchbacks. Of the 121,345 collisions in 2021, 32% happened on the state highway system, while 68% occurred on other roadways, such as city streets and county roads.
Auto Accident Injury FAQs
What is MEDPAY? MEDPAY is a no-fault medical payment (MEDPAY) benefit that can be added to your auto insurance policy. Your carrier can be billed up to the available limits. Click here to learn about MEDPAY in detail.
Will my auto insurance premium be affected by using MEDPAY? One thing many people do not understand is that MedPay is a type of “no-fault” coverage. In that sense, it is similar to health insurance, as it will apply regardless of who is at fault for your injuries even if that person is you. ARS §20-263 makes it illegal for an insurer to increase premiums based on MEDPAY use.
What is Personal Injury Statute of Limitations? In personal injury cases, the statute of limitations is the specific period of time you have to either settle your injury claim with the insurance company or file a personal injury lawsuit. The Arizona statute of limitations for injury claims runs for two years from the date of injury. Statute of limitations is set by the state your accident occurred. Visit our statue of limitations page for a listing by state.
Why am I getting headaches after an auto accident? During the impact of an accident your neck is forcibly “whipped” back and forth and side to side past its normal range of motion. As a result whiplash injuries can affect the muscles and tissues in your back and neck. Stiffness, back pain and/or neck pain can ensue immediately or take days, weeks or even months to appear. It is crucial to treat whiplash immediately even if you are not yet experiencing neck or back pain. Headaches and migraines are common symptoms that can occur as a result of whiplash injuries or any type of motor vehicle injury. Headaches may appear when specific vertebrae in your neck is restricted and out of position due to the impact of an accident. Sprained neck muscles can cause pain to radiate to your head. Any injuries or traumas to your head can cause headaches and migraines. If you are experiencing headaches after your car accident, then you should get treated as soon as possible so that your headache pain does not become permanent. At The Back Alley we are experienced in treating whiplash injuries to get you being functional and back to normal.
Why do I get neck pain following an auto accident? Whiplash injuries occur when there is a sudden forced movement of the head or neck in any direction which can cause a rebound in the opposite direction. Surrounding and supporting tissues of the neck and head will be affected. Consequently, the surrounding muscles begin to tighten, contract and fatigue quicker resulting in pain and stiffness. Car accidents are the most common cause of whiplash. It is vital to get a proper evaluation to determine how to get you feeling better without the use of medication, which is designed to mask the pain, not treat the cause of the pain. At The Back Alley, we are skilled in recovery from automobile injuries and focus on correction of one’s ailments.
I was in a car accident, could that have an impact on experiencing sciatica? Yes, after we experience trauma from sudden force, the spinal column along with soft tissues such as tendons, ligaments, fascia and muscles can shift. This unexpected force can cause a vertebrae to bulge, resulting in sciatic nerve compression. If you experienced an auto accident, we cannot stress enough how important it is to see a chiropractor immediately. Even if you are not experiencing pain we can help restore spinal alignment to avoid any future flare ups.
What if my symptoms did not begin immediately? Often times, pain and/or symptoms of injury are delayed following a car crash. The soft tissues (muscles, tendons, discs, ligaments, etc.) are commonly stretched and/or microtorn in an automobile accident. This leads to an inflammatory reaction that takes time to build up with the soft tissue. Often patients mask their initial symptoms with pain medications and are unaware of the level of their pain and stiffness until these medications wear off.